Biomaglia Anti-Insect / Psyllid Netting
Biomaglia is a new, super fine, light weight polyester mesh used for the protection of crops from insects - including tiny Thrips, Carrot Rust Fly and Potato or Tomato Psyllid.
Protect your crops from the damage these and other insects can do and stem the spread and damage caused by viruses.
Biomaglia Insect Netting is knitted from fine polyester threads to form a mesh with a tiny hole size of 0.78mm x 0.61mm - almost impossible to see with the naked eye.
Biomaglia is very light - approx. 19g/m has provides just light shading of around 8%. It has an elasticity and softness that will not damage or stunt the growth of crops.
This fine mesh will also give protection from heavy rain, hail and wind and provide protection from light frosts.
Made in Italy - Biomaglia Insect Netting is easy to handle and remarkably strong for it's light weight. If handled with care Biomaglia should be good for 2 or 3 years plus.

Biomaglia is available in bulk rolls 2.1m x 100m, 2.1m x 200m, 4.2m x 100m, 4.2m x 200m, 8.6m x 200m & 12.6m x 200m.
Biomaglis is available in Home Gardener Rolls 2.1m x 10m, 2.1m x 20m, 4.2m x 5m, 4.2m x 10m, 12.6m x 10m & 12.6m x 20m Buy Here
Download Polynet's 8 page pdf Product Information and Price Catalogue here!